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Nappe-scale sheath folding in a subduction-exhumation channel (Tauern Window, Eastern Alps) - Philip Groß (Freie Universität, Berlin)

Pubblicato: Mercoledì 17 giugno 2020

Webinar di Geologia - Martedì 23 Giugno 2020 alle ore 15.00 si terrà il webinar (via webex):

Nappe-scale sheath folding in a subduction-exhumation channel
(Tauern Window, Eastern Alps)

Dr. Philip Groß

(Freie Universität, Berlin)


Abstract: Structural and petrological observations in the central Tauern Window reveal a sheath fold with an amplitude of some 20 km that formed under high-pressure conditions (ca. 2 GPa). The fold is a composite structure that isoclinally folded the thrust of an ophiolitic nappe derived from Alpine Tethys Ocean onto a unit of the distal European continental margin, also affected by the high-pressure conditions. Using Raman spectroscopy on carbonaceous material, we are able to reconstruct the subduction-related peak temperature distribution in the sheath fold despite late thermal overprint. These observations document the evolution of the sheath nappe fold from its nucleation to its diapir-like ascent in the Alpine subduction-exhumation channel.



Link di accesso webex: webinar_Tauern Window

Ultimo aggiornamento: 17/06/2020 14:13
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