Andrea Bernasconi
Ricercatore/Ricercatrice a tempo determinato di tipo B
- SSD: GEO/06 - mineralogia

- Department of Earth Sciences
- Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra
- Corsi di studi in Scienze Geologiche (L-34 e LM-74)
- Corso di laurea magistrale Monitoraggio Ambientale, Tutela e Ripristino LM-75
Prodotti della ricerca selezionati
- C. Ronchei, L. Mantovani, D. Scorza, A. Zanichelli, A. Bernasconi, G. Magnani, D. Pontiroli, M. Sidoli, S. Vantadori, Mechanical characteristics, microstructural evolution, and reinforcement mechanisms for a cement-matrix nanocomposite, Composites Part C: Open Access, 14 (2024), 100494.
- L.P. Kreuzer, F. Yang, Z. Evenson, D. Holland-Moritz, A. Bernasconi, T.C. Hansen, M. Blankenburg, A. Meyer, W. Petry, Dynamical and structural properties of undercooled Cu-Ti melts investigated by neutron and x-ray diffraction, Physical Review B, 109 (2024), 174108.
- D. Bernasconi, A. Viani, L. Zarybnicka, P. Macova, S. Bordignon, G. Das, E. Borfecchia, M. Stefancic, C. Caviglia, E. Destefanis, A. Bernasconi, R. Gobetto, A. Pavese, Reactivity of MSWI-fly ash in Mg-K-phosphate cement, Construction and Building Materials, 409 (2023), 134082.
- C. De Matteis, L. Mantovani, M. Tribaudino, A. Bernasconi, E. Destefanis, C. Caviglia, S. Toller, E. Dinelli, V. Funari, Sequential extraction procedure and grain size of Municipal Solid Waste Incineration (MSWI) Bottom Ashes from MSWI: a new procedure and the analysis of targeting grain size and the amorphous fraction, Frontier in Environmental Science, 11 (2023), 1254205.
- Q. Wehrung, E. Destefanis, C. Caviglia, D. Bernasconi, L. Pastero, M. Bruno, A. Bernasconi, A. Magnetti, Vernai, A. Di Rienzo, A. Pavese, Sustainability, 15 (2023), 10334.
- A. Bernasconi, D. Bernasconi, F. Francescon, R. Sartori, A. Pavese, “Fine Fireclay (FC) technological properties and mineralogy by tuning body composition and raw materials particle size distribution”, Ceramics International, 49 (2023), 28224-28232.
- A. Bernasconi, L. Pellegrino, F. Vergani, F. Campanale, N.M. Marian, L. Galimberti, M. Perotti, C. Viti e G. Capitani, “Recycling detoxified cement asbestos slates in the production of ceramic sanitary wares”, Ceramics International, 49 (2023), 1836-1845.
- A. Bernasconi, M. Dapiaggi, C. Milanese, M. Alloni, A. Pavese, “Structure of Soda-Lime-Aluminosilicate glasses as revealed by in-situ Synchrotron Powder Diffraction experiments”, J. of Non-Crystalline Solids, 568 (2021), 120932.
- M. Coduri, A. Bernasconi, H. Fischer, L. Malavasi, “The Ba3Mo1−xWxNbO8.5 ion conductor: Insights on local Coordination from X-ray and Neutron Total Scattering”, J. Material Chemistry A, 8 (2020), 21227-21240.
- G. Confalonieri, N. Rotiroti, A. Bernasconi, M. Dapiaggi, "Structural Study of Nano-sized Gahnite (ZnAl2O4): From the Average to the Local Scale", Nanomaterials, 10 (2020), 824.
- A. Bernasconi, A. Rizzo, A. Listorti, A. Mahata, E. Mosconi, F. De Angelis, L. Malavasi, “Synthesis, Properties and Modelling of Cs(1-x)RbxSnBr3 Solid Solution: a New Mixed-cation Lead-free All-Inorganic Perovskite System”, Chemistry of Materials, 31 (2019), 3527-3533.
- A. Bernasconi, K. Page, Z. Dai, L.Z. Tan, A.M. Rappe, L. Malavasi, “Ubiquitous Short-Range Distortion of Hybrid Perovskites and Hydrogen-Bonding Role: The MAPbCl3 Case”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 122 (2018), 28265-28272.
- A. Bernasconi, C. Tealdi, L. Malavasi, “High-Temperature Structural Evolution in the Ba3Mo(1-x)WxNbO8.5 System and Correlation with Ionic Transport Properties”, Inorganic Chemistry, 57 (2018), 6746-6752.
- A. Bernasconi, C. Tealdi, M. Muehlbauer, L. Malavasi, “Synthesis, crystal structure and ionic conductivity of the Ba3Mo(1-x)WxNbO8.5 solid solution”, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 258 (2017), 628-633.
- A. Zerboni, A. Bernasconi, M.C. Gatto, C. Ottomano, M. Cremaschi, L. Mori, “Building on an oasis in Garamantian times: Geoarchaeological investigation on mud architectural elements from the excavation of Fewet (Central Sahara, SW Libya)”, Journal of Arid Environments, 157 (2018), 149-167.
- Z. Wang, F. Yang, A. Bernasconi, K. Samwer, A. Meyer, “Predicting structural and dynamical behaviour of La-bases glasses and melts from the anharmonicity in their interatomic potential”, Physical Review B, 98 (2018), 024204.
- G. Confalonieri, V. Buscaglia, G. Capitani, G. Canu, N. Rotiroti, A. Bernasconi, A. Pavese, M. Dapiaggi, “Local distortion and octahedral tilting in BaCexTi(1-x)O3 perovskite”, Journal of Applied Crystallography, 51 (2018), 1283-1294.
- S. Hechler, B. Ruta, M. Stolpe, E. Pineda, Z. Evenson, O. Gross, A. Bernasconi, R. Busch, I. Gallino, “Microscopic evidence of the connection between liquid-liquid transition and dynamical crossover in an ultraviscous metallic glass former”, Physical Review Materials, 2 (2018), 085603.
- A. Bernasconi, M. Dapiaggi, J. Wright, S. Ceola, S. Maurina, F. Francescon, A. Pavese, “High temperature investigation of SiO2-Al2O3-ZnO-Na2O glass for ceramic-glaze: insitu/ ex-situ synchrotron diffraction and conventional approaches”, Ceramics International, 44 (2018), 6395-6401.
- P. Eftekharimilani, R.M. Huizenga, B. Kim, A. Bernasconi, M.J.M. Hermans, “In-Situ Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction Studies on Effects of Plastic and Elastic Loading on bcc Phase Transformations of a 3rd Generation 1 Gpa Advanced High Strength Steel”, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 49 (2018), 78-87.
- A. Bernasconi, J. Wright, “Effects of resolution in real and reciprocal spaces from a 2D detector at a high energy synchrotron beamline”, Powder Diffration, 33 (2018), 11-20.
- A. Bernasconi, L. Malavasi, “Direct evidence of permanent octahedra distortion in MAPbBr3 hybrid pervoskite”, ACS Energy Letters, 2 (2017), 863-868.
- B. Sarac, A. Bernasconi, J. Wright, M. Stoica, F. Spieckermann, M. Muhlbacher, J. Keckes, X. Bian, G. Wang, J. Eckert, “Structural modifications in sub-Tg annealed CuZr-based metallic glass”, Material Science and Engeneering A, 707 (2017), 245-252.
- Zerboni, L. Mori, G. Bosi, F. Buldrini, A. Bernasconi, M.C. Gatto, A.M. Mercuri, “Domestic firing activities and fuel consumption in a Saharan oasis: Micromorphological and archaeobotanical evidence from the Garamantian site of Fewet (Central Sahara, SW Libya)”, Journal of Arid Environments, 144 (2017), 123-138.
- N.I. Khamidy, V. Kovacova, A. Bernasconi, G. Le Rhun, N. Vaxelaire, “In situ 2D diffraction as a tool to characterize ferroelectric and piezoelectric thin films”, Materials Research Express, 4 (2017), 084002.
- N. Vaxelaire, V. Kovacova, A. Bernasconi, G. Le Rhum, M. Alvarez-Murga, G. Vaughan, E. Defay, P. Gergaud, “Effect of structural in depth heterogeneities on electrical properties of Pb(Zr.52Ti.48)O3 thin films as revealed by nano beam X-ray Diffraction, Journal of Applied Physics, 120 (2016), 104101.
- A. Bernasconi, M. Dapiaggi, D.T. Bowron, S. Ceola, S. Maurina, “Aluminosilicate-based glasses structural investigation by high-energy X-ray diffraction”, Journal of Material Science, 51 (2016), 8845-8860.
- A. Bernasconi, M. Dapiaggi, A. Pavese, G. Agostini, M. Bernasconi, D.T. Bowron, “Modeling the Structure of Complex Aluminosilicate Glasses, the Effect of Zinc Addition”, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 120 (2016), 2526-2537.
- N. Marinoni, M. Voltolini, M.A.T.M. Broekmans, L. Mancini, P.J.M. Monteiro, N. Rotiroti, E. Ferrari, A. Bernasconi, “A combined synchrotron radiation micro computed tomography and micro X-ray diffraction study on deleterious alkali-silica reaction”, Journal of Material Science, 50 (2015), 7985-7997.
- N. Marinoni, A. Bernasconi, G. Della Porta, M. Marchi, A. Pavese, “The role of petrography on the thermal decomposition and burnability of limestones used in industrial cement clinker”, Mineralogy and Petrology, 109 (2015), 719-731.
- B. Joseph, A. Iadecola, A. Bernasconi, P. Rispoli, N. Demitri, X. Xing, W. Zhou, Z. Shi, “Comparison of the local structure of Ca0.82La0.18FeAs2 and Ba0.64K0.36Fe2As2 pnictide superconductors using atomic pair distribution function analysis”, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 84 (2015), 24-27.
- G. Confalonieri, M. Dapiaggi, M. Sommariva, M. Gateshki, A. Fitch, A. Bernasconi, “Comparison of total scattering data from various sources: the case of a nanometric spinel”, Powder Diffraction, 30 (2015), S65-S69.
- A. Bernasconi, J. Wright, N. Harker, “Total scattering experiments on glass and crystalline materials at the ESRF on the ID11 beamline”, Powder Diffraction, 30 (2015), S1-S8.
- B. Joseph, C. Marini, N. Demitri, F. Capitani, A. Bernasconi, W. Zhou, X. Xing, Z. Shi, “Temperature dependant structural modulation in Ca0.82La0.18FeAs2 pnictide superconductors”, Superconductor Science and Technology, 28 (2015), 092001 (6pp).
- K. Boudeghdegh, V. Diella, A. Bernasconi, A. Roula, Y. Amirouche, “Composition effects on the whiteness and physical-mechanical properties of traditional sanitary-ware glazes”, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 35 (2015), 3735-3741.
- A. Bernasconi, N. Marinoni, A. Pavese, F. Francescon, K. Young, “Feldspar and firing cycle effects on the evolution of sanitary-ware vitreous body”, Ceramics International, 40 (2014), 6389-6398.
- A. Bernasconi, M. Dapiaggi, A.F. Gualtieri, “Accuracy in quantitative phase analysis of mixtures with large amorphous contents. The case of zircon-rich sanitary-ware glazes”, Journal of Applied Crystallography, 47 (2014), 136-145.
- A. Bernasconi, M. Dapiaggi, A. Pavese, D.T. Bowron, S. Imberti, “Local Structure of Si-Al-Ca-Na-O Glasses from Coupled Neutron and X-ray Total Scattering Data”, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 116 (2012), 13114-13123.
- A. Bernasconi, V. Diella, N. Marinoni, A. Pavese, F. Francescon, “Influence of composition on some industrially relevant properties of traditional sanitary-ware glaze”, Ceramics International, 38 (2012), 5859-5870.
- A. Bernasconi, V. Diella, A. Pagani, A. Pavese, F. Francescon, K. Young, J. Stuart, L. Tunnicliffe, “The role of firing temperature, firing time and quartz grain size on phase formation, thermal dilatation and water absorption in sanitary-ware vitreous bodies”, Journal of European Ceramic Society, 31 (2011), 1353-1360.
Corsi di studi in Scienze Geologiche (L-34 e LM-74) - LCA e georisorse per la transizione energetica (STE0157)
Corso di laurea magistrale Monitoraggio Ambientale, Tutela e Ripristino LM-75 - MINERALOGIA CON LABORATORIO (MFN0644)
Corsi di studi in Scienze Geologiche (L-34 e LM-74)
Proposte di tesi, tirocini e stage